Zincshield is a zinc rich epoxy modified thermosetting powder primer designed to inhibit rust and subsequent adhesion loss on ferrous metals suitable for use with top coats from the Fluoroset™, Duratec™, Electro™ and Duralloy™ ranges.
It is ideal for use:
Suggestions for use include ironwork, street and garden furniture, gas cylinders and tanks, agricultural machinery, transport (trailers), valves, and transformers.
Zinc rich modified epoxy based powder primer
Solid look
Satin undercoat
Interior and exterior use as a basecoat only
Steel substrates shall be prepared as follows:
1. Wash and degrease all surfaces to be coated in accordance with AS1627.9 with a free-rinsing, alkaline detergent, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions and all safety warnings.
2. Wash with fresh potable water and ensure that all soluble salts are removed in accordance with AS 3894.6 methods A&D.
3. Grind all sharp edges with a power tool to a minimum radius of 2mm.
4. Power tool clean welds to AS1627.2 Class 2 to remove roughness. Remove filings, preferably by vacuum or compressed air.
5. Abrasive blast clean all steel surfaces to be painted in accordance with AS1627.4 to visual standard AS1627.9 Class 2.5 (equivalent to ISO8501-1, Sa 2.5: Very Thorough Blast-Cleaning). Use a medium that will generate a surface profile of 35 to 65 microns (as tested to AS3894.5 Method A.) In situations where it is not possible to prepare your item on all surfaces as described above, for long term protection against corrosion it is strongly recommended whenever possible, that an alternative substrate such as, aluminium be considered.
6. The steel is to be stored in an area which is clean and dry
7. The steel must be coated within 4 hours of blasting.
Electrostatic Spray
It is recommended that Zincshield® be top coated within 12 hours due to a possible moisture uptake of the coating. A topcoat must always be applied.
Assuming top coat applied within 12 hours: Partially cure for 3 ¬ 5 minutes at 120¬150°C metal temperature. This partial cure is referred to as a green cure. Green cured metal is prone to chipping/cracking if not handled with care. Ensure green cured metal is protected from mechanical damage caused by unloading/stacking. Use topcoat cure schedule to complete cure of Zincshield®.
Assuming top coat applied after 12 hours: Provide full cure for 10 minutes at 200°C metal temperature. Avoid over cure as this will inhibit intercoat adhesion with top coat. Refer note below for further details.
Attention to packing is essential for powder coaters and fabricators to ensure that all powder coated sections are received in good condition.
When packing powder coated assets, it is recommended that:
It is recommended in environments with low salt, low pollutants and in urban areas that cleaning should take place at a minimum of every twelve months. In areas where salts, pollutants and high corrosivity levels are prevalent, e.g. beachfront houses or industrial areas, it is recommended a cleaning program should be carried out more frequently at a minimum of every six months.
Sheltered areas can have a higher risk of coating degradation as wind-blown salt and other debris or pollutants may adhere to the surface and not be removed when it rains. These areas may require more frequent cleaning.
Use the following table to identify the recommended minimum cleaning and maintenance schedule for your project. The table references AS4312 and ISO12944 Atmospheric corrosivity zones in Australia to define the environmental conditions.
1. Geothermal environments with a PH>5 and <9. For PH outside this consult DGL.
2. Offshore islands that are not tropical include Waiheke, Stewart Island, Fraser Island etc.
3. Tropical islands include Australian Islands north of Mackay and Pacific islands such as PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga.
Care and maintenance schedules are essential to ensure that the life of your asset is maximised whether the project be a residential, commercial or non-habitabale project. Simply follow 3 important steps:
1. Carefully remove any loose surface deposits with a wet sponge by gently rubbing.
2. Clean by gently rubbing the surface with a soft brush (non-abrasive) and a dilute solution of a mild detergent, e.g. pH-neutral liquid hand or dishwashing detergent in warm water to remove dust, salt and other deposits. For stubborn stains use only recommended solvents on the affected area, e.g. Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or methylated spirits and rinse off with clean water. Do not use other aggressive solvents.
3. Rinse the surfaces with clean fresh water after cleaning to remove all residues.
Aggressive solvents such as turpentine, white spirits, thinners, citrus based cleaners and other aggressive solvents are harmful to the extended life of the powder coated surface. These solvents should not be used for cleaning purposes and will render a warranty void if used.
If paint splashes, sealants/mastics or stubborn stains need to be removed use only Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) or methylated spirits and rinse off with clean fresh water.
In some cases, strong solvents recommended for thinning various types of paints and also for cleaning up mastics/sealants are harmful to the extended life of the powder coated surface. These solvents should not be used for cleaning purposes and will render the warranty void if used. If paint splashes or sealants/mastics need to be removed then the following solvents can be used safely: Methylated Spirits, Ethyl Alcohol, Isopropanol.
For more information about care and maintenance click here.
Zincshield is a key component of powdercoating steel. Use the following table to help identify the product choice you have on your project and where Zincshield is appropriate. Refer to the conditions information to determine the environment that your project will be exposed to. Click on the table below for a larger version.
Use the following table which references AS4312 (Atmospheric corrosivity zones in Australia) a to define the environmental conditions of your project.
Zincshield suitability for environments close to liquids other than the sea is dependent on the top coat choice.
Please refer to the guidance below for:
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Zincshirled is a zinc rich epoxy modified thermosetting powder coating designed to inhibit rust and adhesion loss on ferrous metals and has been designed as a powder coating undercoat.